Just to make sure everyone knows that I haven't been slacking, I've decided to post an Update on what I'm doing.
In the gaming production area...
Drawmatiks Episode 2.0: Breakfast Scavenger.
Its coming along fine. half the sprites are done, Looking for some appropriate music to set the mood, and the gruesome death scenes should make the players happy! 25% Completed.
Quick Draw: High Noon
coming along beautifully! Had to reconstruct it from the ground up but I was only one level in production anyway, so it didn't matter. working smoothly, shorter on file size thus, load time are faster, Added multiple endings to add to the reply value, Still tweaking the high score board so it will hold 100 of the worlds fastest times. 30% Completed.
Phenomenal: Eternal Rivals.
The fighting game adaption of the phenomenal series. Looking alright, still needs a programmer, but 50% of the sprites are done. 10% Completed.
Phenomenal: The Iron Fist
the action game that the animation is based on. If fact, the animation is to give the viewer an Idea what the game is suppose to look like. Looking Very Good, Added some more sprites to keep up with the series, still looking for a programmer that can assemble this monster. as a warning, don't expect everything you saw in the animated series to be in game. 15% Completed.
Now for the animation Projects...
Phenomenal Episode 05: The Spiraling Wind
I Had 2 major set backs....But this always happens. Especially with Phenomenal projects. Problem 01, My main PC's hard drive went ape shit AGAIN. So, I need to raise 80 dollars to buy a need one and restore my PC, and try to salvage my old data off my P.O.S. hard drive.... luckily, I saved episode 05 the file on my jump drive. Problem 02, I was making Phenomenal Episode 05 into such an epic cartoon, I added way too many special Effects to it, causing it to be a Graphical Beast thus, making it slow down and crash a lot of times. The library was over 450 Items. To help with that I decided to water it down. I plan on adding the special Effects later, after the project is done. if things go smoothly I might have it done by the end the winter season 50% Completed.
Frakshard Episode 02
I keep rewriting the script because I keep coming up with Idea's! Finally I came up with several shorts that will be in the next episode: Bleach Parody, The Genie, Dinosaurs, DBZ parody, and the confessional This episode will be guarantied to get somebody to laugh or, piss them off! 20% Completed
Shin Naruto
My dark sadistic interpretation of Naruto that asked the question, "what if Naruto became evil?" I'm not planning on making this into a series like Phenomenal. This might end up being a 1 hit wonder that last 30 minutes or have 2 parts. 10% Completed.
Acid Naruto
The comedic, Twisted, Warped version of Naruto that I was planing. I hit gold with the Acid Sonic/Acid Speed Episodes so, I am waiting and hoping for lightning to strike twice... 10% Completed.
In other works...
The Blaklyon Den Website.
Its about Time I decided to create one. It has all of my old and new works, audio comments on my works, and the place where you will see the high score boards and play full versions of games. You Will love it!
Well, thats all I got for now. You will hear from me later!
I included a screen shot of Shin Naruto for you to look at. Enjoy!